Managed Cyber Security Service Provider UK (MSSP) | Redscan
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The support you need to leverage the latest security technologies 24/7

Whether you are looking to invest in new security technologies to better protect your organisation or need assistance managing and monitoring existing systems, Redscan’s extensive security expertise and knowledge of how to get the most from the latest tools means we are best placed to support your needs. Discover our range of managed security services.

A person choosing from a range of Managed Security Services

Our services

Managed Security Services

Managed SIEM

Our Managed Security Information and Event Management service enhances threat visibility and supplies the experts required to analyse, triage and help respond to security alerts.

Managed IDS

Benefit from the latest network (NIDS) and host-based intrusion detection (HIDS) technologies and an experienced team of specialists to harness them to identify security breaches.

Managed EDR

Enhance visibility of attacks with a Managed Endpoint Detection and Response service that integrates the latest EDR technology and leading threat hunters.

Managed Vulnerability Scanning

A Managed Vulnerability Scanning service enables you to keep up with the latest security risks by continuously identifying and helping to address a wide range of exposures.

Managed Behavioural Monitoring

Get more from the latest machine learning and behavioural monitoring technology by commissioning our experts to manage, optimise and monitor it for you.

Managed SOC-as-a-Service

A managed SOC provides organisations with an outsourced Security Operations Centre (SOC) facility that houses a team of security experts responsible for maintaining and improving an organisation’s cyber security.


Benefits of Managed Security Services

Choosing to outsource your organisation’s cyber security needs can help to:

  • Quickly elevate cyber security maturity
  • Reduce staffing and training costs
  • Save money vs in-house security investment
  • Get the best out of technology investments
  • Provide out-of-hours or 24/7 monitoring
  • Facilitate compliance with regulations and standards

Discuss your cyber security needs

Our approach

How Redscan differs from other providers

An offensive security mindset

Our extensive experience conducting offensive security services like pen testing and red teaming means we have first-hand knowledge of the latest adversarial techniques, and we use this insight to better defend our managed security service clients against new and emerging threats.

An outcome-focused approach

Unlike many legacy managed security service providers (MSSPs), who are often accused of simply passing alerts over the wall, we have a firm focus on customer service, working closely with our clients to understand the security challenges they face. To ensure we deliver tangible outcomes to our managed security services clients, we continually develop purpose-built, high-fidelity use cases rather than relying on out-of-the box configurations.

Vendor-agnostic technology selection

Many managed security service providers are inflexible when it comes to technology, as their expertise is tied down to one set technology stack. At Redscan, we have experience integrating and leveraging a wide range of toolsets, so we can either help organisations get the most out of existing investments or recommend those best suited to their environment.

CyberOps threat management

CyberOps™ is Redscan’s proprietary threat management platform, which acts as the virtual interface between our Security Operations Centre and our managed security service customers. CyberOps collects and correlates security information from a range of sources and presents it for analysis through a single pane of glass. CyberOps’ in-built alert enrichment engine helps provide context around alerts and reduces false positives, ensuring we only inform our managed security services clients of the genuine security incidents that require their attention.


Managed security services FAQs

What is meant by managed services?

Managed services cover the outsourcing of responsibilities for maintenance and management of an organisation’s technology and processes. Managed services are used by organisations that require specialist support with a particular aspect of their operation and are common across the IT sector. For example, organisations often seek managed services for networking, cloud computing and security.

What is a managed security service?

A managed security service is a service designed to help organisations improve or augment their cyber security capabilities. There are many different types of managed security service, each often focused around the management and monitoring of particularly security technologies, such as SIEM, EDR and vulnerability scanning tools. Managed security service providers also conduct security audits, help organisations meet compliance requirements, and support incident response.

What is the difference between MSP and MSSP?

An MSP is a managed service provider and an MSSP is a managed security service provider. An MSP helps organisations with the day-to-day management and maintenance of IT systems and services, whereas an MSSP is focused on supporting security operations. Some MSPs offer managed security services but given the requirement for specialist skills and expertise in cyber security, many MSPs choose to work directly with MSSPs.

What are the benefits of managed security services?

By choosing to procure a managed security service, organisations that either lack sufficient security resources or need help to enhance operations can quickly elevate their cyber security maturity without the need to recruit and train a team of security professionals to work in-house. Use of managed security services can also result in significant cost savings in areas such staffing and training. Organisations can also outsource the time-consuming and onerous task of managing and monitoring security monitoring technologies, thereby enabling in house staff to focus on other priorities, increasing efficiency and reducing alert fatigue.

What is a managed SOC service?

A managed SOC service is a form of managed security service that provides organisations with an outsourced Security Operations Centre (SOC) – the facility that houses a team of security experts responsible for maintaining and improving an organisation’s cyber security. Outsourced SOC services help organisations build the ability to prevent, detect and respond to cyber threats.

What is the difference between MSS and MDR?

Managed Detection and Response (MDR) is a specialist type of security service designed to help organisations rapidly detect and respond to cyber threats across their network and endpoints. Whereas managed security services tend to focus on management of specific technologies, which are typically customer-owned, MDR services adopt a fully turnkey approach – providing the people, technology and intelligence as part of one overall subscription.

What is the difference between EDR and MDR?

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is a security monitoring technology designed to improve visibility by monitoring endpoints and alerting on potentially suspicious activity. MDR is not a technology, but a service, one that combines human and machine intelligence, including tools like EDR, with to hunt for and eliminate threats in their infancy.

How much does a managed security service cost?

The cost of a managed security service can vary significantly and is based on a wide range of factors, such as environment size, assets to be monitored,  technologies deployed and managed, and service levels required. Managed security services tend to be subscription-based and significantly more cost-effective than equivalent investment in house.

About us

Why choose Kroll?

  • A leading global MDR company
  • Red and blue team CREST CSOC expertise
  • High-quality intelligence and actionable outcomes
  • Quick and hassle-free service deployment
  • An agnostic approach to technology selection
  • Avg. 9/10 customer satisfaction, 95% retention rate

What our customers say

4.7/5 - based on 99 Reviews
“Redscan staff are always on hand to provide swift, clear advice. They help us keep a constant eye on our network and respond quickly to incidents to ensure systems remain operational.”
IT Director
Private Healthcare Provider
“Redscan’s security experts work hand in hand with our in-house team, providing us with the insights we need to identify and eliminate threats across our environment 24/7.
IT Security & Infrastructure Director
“Thanks to Redscan, we’re in an infinitely better place now. We have got more visibility than we ever had, and critically, in all the right places. I can now sleep easy knowing that Redscan’s expertise is protecting our business.”
Head of Technology & Cybersecurity
Housebuilding Company
“With so much organisational change, this is a time of incredible pressure on our small team. Partnering with Redscan is making it easier for us to address the security challenges of business consolidation.”
Head of IT Security
Global Plastics Manufacturer
“I can offer a higher level of assurance at board level about our information security now. Redscan gives us a broader lens on a complex and changing environment.”
IT Director
Global Asset Manager
“We now know we’ve got eyes on our critical assets and that those events are being looked at, scrutinised, triaged and qualified as legitimate or false positives. That is night and day in contrast with where we were before our relationship with Redscan.”
Head of Technology & Cybersecurity
Housebuilding Company
"Redscan's cost effective service gives us peace of mind that we are doing all we can to protect our clients, our business, our staff, our counterparties and other partners."
Head of IT Infrastructure
Asset Management Firm
“Faster incident alerting enables us to better understand what is going on in our network and react more quickly. From an advice side of things, it’s great to be able to talk to knowledgeable people and discuss solutions to help mitigate our security risks.”
Head of IT Security
Global Plastics Manufacturer
“With Redscan, we are able to understand and quickly identify any threats. Redscan’s support gives us the freedom to feel more secure and be more productive.”  
Head of IT
Global Shipping Company
“By working in partnership with Redscan, we have significantly improved our operational resilience.”  
Head of Cyber Security
Specialist bank
“Thanks to Redscan we now have a solution that gives us the ability to monitor, isolate and eliminate threats across our IT infrastructure.”
Head of IT
Private Hospital
“The personal approach is something I noticed from my first engagement with Redscan and it is still true today. We have 30 locations worldwide and it is valuable to have a third party being proactive in identifying potential security issues.”
Head of IT
Global Shipping Company
“Services like these are few and far between.”
Head of IT Infrastructure
Asset Management Firm
“I value the fact that Redscan aggregates insight about the cyber-attacks it sees on other customers and retrospectively applies it to other organisations, so we all benefit from that knowledge.”  
Head of Cyber Security
Specialist bank
"Our partnership with Redscan has been one of the most successful that we have ever undertaken"
IT Director
Global Asset Manager

Get a Quote for Managed Security Services

Fill in the form to discuss your requirements.

  • A leading global cyber security company
  • A deep understanding of how hackers operate
  • In-depth threat analysis and advice you can trust
  • Complete post-test care for effective risk remediation
  • Multi award-winning offensive security services
  • Avg. >9/10 customer satisfaction, 95% retention rate

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