MDR Features Table | Redscan
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A turnkey solution for threat detection

Everything your organisation needs to detect and respond to the latest threats
– all for a cost-effective subscription.

Kroll Responder -
Managed Detection & Response

Threat detection
24/7 network and endpoint monitoring
Alert triage, analysis and investigation
Optimised for threat detection use cases
Proactive human threat hunting
Advanced behavioural analytics

Incident response
The Redscan Platform
Genuine incident notification
Actionable mitigation guidance
Threat disruption and containment (SOAR) Optional
Remote support for priority incidents Optional

Technology management
Turnkey technology stack
System deployment and configuration
Ongoing management and monitoring
Integration with client-owned technologies

Threat intelligence
Proprietary research
Cyberoffensive intel from red team
Open source and commercial feeds

Vulnerability management
External network scanning Optional
Internal network scanning Optional

Reporting and compliance
Weekly service reports
Regular technical service reviews
Compliance reporting
SLA tracking

Environments monitored
Cloud (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Office 365)
Hybrid cloud

Hosting options
Public and private cloud
Redscan’s multi-tenant cloud

Global coverage
Fully resilient
Blue team security specialists
Incident response specialists

Weekly service reports
Monthly service reviews

Contact us to learn more about Kroll Responder