Ethical Hacking Roundtable 2020 | Redscan
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As a counterbalance to misconceptions about ethical hacking, Redscan decided to bring together a number of cyber security experts to consider the state of the industry and examine current risks, challenges and trends.


Download our 'Ethical Hacking in 2020' report


The panel discussed what constitutes ‘ethical’ in the context of hacking, the benefits of hacking to businesses and society, where the boundary lies between legal and illegal activity, and other hot topics.

Watch this video to view the highlights:


Download our 'Ethical Hacking in 2020' report


Mark Nicholls, CTO at Redscan, explains why the company decided it was important to discuss the hot topics in ethical hacking:


Watch these interviews with some of the panellists:


Read about the latest Ethical Hacking Roundtable event

About Redscan

Redscan is an award-winning provider of managed security services, specialising in threat detection and integrated response.

Possessing a deep knowledge of offensive security, Redscan’s experts are among the most qualified in the industry, working as an extension of clients’ in-house resources to expose and address vulnerabilities plus swiftly identify and shut down breaches. Services offered include CREST accredited Penetration Testing, Red Teaming and Managed Detection & Response.

By understanding how attackers operate, leveraging cutting-edge threat intelligence, and offering highly acclaimed customer service, Redscan’s cyber security professionals can be trusted to provide the insight and support needed to successfully mitigate information security risk and achieve compliance standards.