Company Policies | Redscan
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Company Policies

The policy of the company is on a continuing basis to exercise due care and due diligence to protect information systems from leakage, unauthorised access, use, disclosure, destruction, modification, disruption or distribution.

This will ensure that the Company’s reputation with our clients is maintained through confidentiality, integrity and availability.

The Executive Leadership will ensure business, legal, regulatory requirements and contractual security obligations are taken into account.

The IT Administration Team bears the responsibility for establishing and maintaining the system and undertakes to ensure its integrity is maintained through instruction and training of its personnel and that each employee has a proper understanding of what is required of them.

This will in part be done by continuous vulnerability management which involves the scanning of hosts for outdated software and the immediate updating of systems which are deemed outdated.

Equally, every employee has a personal responsibility to maintain this integrity. To support this, employees are required to send any security concerns or issues to any of the members of the IT Administration Team.

Further, the IT Administration Team and Executive Leadership will ensure any sub contractor employed for a particular function will meet the requirements specified and accept responsibility for their actions.

The Company has a policy of continuous improvement and objective setting in line with ISO 27001:2005 Standard.

The Information Security Management System will be monitored regularly under the Executive Leadership’s ultimate responsibility with regular reporting of the status and effectiveness at all levels.

The continuing policy of Redscan Limited is to provide a professional and efficient service to meet all of the agreed requirements of our customers. This achievement will result in securing efficiency and the enhancement of long-term profitability.

The Executive Leadership bears the responsibility for establishing, maintaining and implementing the system for controlling those particular activities for which they are responsible. We undertake to ensure through instruction, practical example and training that quality is the aim of all members of the Company and that each employee has a proper understanding of the importance of the Quality System function and its direct relevance to the success of the Company.

Equally every employee is responsible for, and will be trained to perform the duties required by his or her specific role. Furthermore, the Company will ensure that any subcontractors employed for a particular function will meet specified requirements and will accept the responsibility for their work.

Redscan Limited has a policy of continual improvement and the setting of Quality Objectives in line with the framework laid down within the ISO 9001:2008 standard.

The Quality System will be monitored regularly under the Executive Leadership’s ultimate responsibility with regular reporting of the status and effectiveness at all levels.